Triggered by Design
In collaboration with the client we planned and facilitated the three different sections to be designed. We analyzed customer feedback and defined the UX challenges.
1. Online Report
UX challenges
The biggest UX challenge was to fit the clients ideas and the users needs to the existing CICERO framework. The idèa for the online report was to provide users with one long article-like page divided by chapters. The second major UX challenge was ensuring a simple and usable navigation experience on every screen.
UX solutions
To ensure a consistent experience for all users, every piece of content needed to be fully accessible on desktop and mobile. To move between the content, users can navigate via the blue menu which is differentiated from the other two menus on the web site. On the desktop version we created a fixed sticky navigation bar to grab attention for navigation between chapters while scrolling.
2. Theme pages
UX challenges
The content strategy was the first major UX obstacle. We had to adopt old sections into new modules while at the same time give way for new design ideas. We had to find clever solutions to differentiate six category pages within one new theme page section while ensuring a simple and usable navigation experience on every screen.
UX solutions
The theme pages consist of six category pages placed in a black menu to stand out at the top of the page. To differentiate the categories, each category got its own color scheme. The categories are Climate Finance, Climate Policy, Climate System, Impacts, Locale Solutions and Mitigation.
When scrolling over the images with the mouse pointer, the color strip is removed and the picture is clearer, even with a zoom function. This is to indicate where the user is and to draw attention to the content. This was a solution we discussed early on as the coding already was there, just to be customized for the theme pages.
3. Featured Articles Module